4-C is dedicated to offering high quality trainings and career growth to early care and education professionals at various stages of their professional development. Trainings are designed to meet the diverse needs and experiences of participants as well as regulatory compliance, YoungStar, and continuing education requirements.

All upcoming trainings are visible on our event calendar here. If you are looking to schedule a training, please contact [email protected] or call 608-271-9181.

Format Descriptions

Virtual: Web-based with a live instructor

Online: Web-based self-paced

On-Demand: Programs can request specific trainings that are held on their time line with only their staff. See additional information in the On-Demand section.

Hybrid: Combination of formats usually encompassing online and virtual formats.

Correspondence: Self-paced course where materials are either emailed or mailed

In-person: Participants and instructor are live at a facility

Foundational Training

Trainings that are required in accordance with starting or working in a regulated (licensed or certified) child care program in the State of Wisconsin.

Abusive Head Trauma (AHT formerly Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS))

Hours: 2
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $30

Description: In Wisconsin, all child care providers working with children under the age of 5 are required to take a class on Abusive Head Trauma. AHT includes Shaken Baby Syndrome, injury involving the brain, skull and/or spinal cord which can result from shaking or from inflicting trauma on the head by other means, such as throwing, intentionally dropping, striking, or other forms of impact.

Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Training for Child Care Providers addresses the latest information on:

  • Abusive Head Trauma
  • The Period of Purple Crying
  • Strategies and challenges of soothing
  • Coping with frustration
  • Having a plan and educating others

This course is also offered free online to child care providers through the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.

Child Abuse and Neglect/Mandated Reporter Training

Description: This training can be taken in a variety of ways.

  1. Contact 4-C training at [email protected] for a personalized group training for staff.
  2. Take the free online Mandated Reporter Training from Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional
    Development System.
    a. This training is 30 minutes and meets the requirement for the Department of Children
    and Families initial and biennial Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Training requirement.
    b. Access the course here: https://media.wcwpds.wisc.edu/mandatedreporter/
CPR (Infant/Child/Adult) and AED

Hours: 3
Format: In-Person
Fee: $80

Description: This CPR/AED class uses the American Red Cross curriculum and covers adult, child, and infant CPR procedures as well as AED (Automated External Defibrillator) use, barrier device usage, and relief of choking for all ages. Certification is good for two years.

Educator Wellness

Hours: 2
Format: In-Person
Fee: $30

Description: All Early Childhood staff are invited to take part in this first of a two-part wellness facilitation, designed to address educator burnout. Attendees will be introduced to mindfulness techniques, participate in group activities focused on social-relationship skill-building, and practice deep breathing and mindful movements for experiencing personal-wellness benefits. Lastly, educators will gain additional resources for applying mindfulness techniques with children in their programs. This training is a prerequisite for the Educator Wellness – part 2 offering.

Fundamentals of Family Child Care

Details to be Determined

Description: This course is required for all certified and licensed family child care providers. It provides essential information about establishing a family child care business practices for certified and licensed family child care providers.

Introduction to the Child Care Profession

Hours: 44
Format: Online Self-Paced or In-Person
Fee: $140

Description: This course provides entry level knowledge and skills for individuals as they begin or intend to care for children in group or family child care. Learners explore rules and regulations governing group and family child care and the responsibilities of child care providers. This course fulfills introductory non-credit course requirements as specified by the Department of Children and Families. This course requires that you complete an Abusive Head Trauma (formerly SBS) class and a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome class. You will need to provide a certificate of completion for these courses. Previously completed SBS and SIDS classes may count.

Skills and Strategies for the Child Care Teacher

Hours: 45
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $140 

Description: The Skills and Strategies Class will prepare individuals to be successful in the role of a Lead/Head Child Care Teacher in an early childhood setting. This will be accomplished by thoroughly examining the subjects of curriculum planning and activity selection in a developmentally appropriate early childhood environment. Additional topics to be covered include exploring strategies to involve parents and the role of observation in a developmentally appropriate program. Child guidance and professionalism are also further developed.

This class is one of the required classes for all Lead/Head Teachers in Group Child Care programs.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Other Sleep Related Deaths

Hours: 1.5
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $23

Description: The SIDS workshop meets the Department of Children and Families requirements for Certification and Licensing. At the end of the presentation the participant will be able to help reduce the risk of SIDS through consistent implementation of risk reduction strategies and increase awareness of SIDS in the community.

Continuing Education

Enhance your skills through high quality state approved professional development opportunities. These courses are offered in a variety of formats at various times throughout the year.

Active Early

Hours: 4
Format: In-Person or Virtual
Fee: $45

Description: This course will provide training to early care and education teachers and providers on the implementation of physical activity for YoungStar. The course will also provide an introduction to Active Early: A Wisconsin Guide for Improving Childhood Physical Activity for providers to use as a guide in implementation and support for their programs.

Active Supervision to Keep Children Safe

Hours: 1.5
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $25

Description: The ability to supervise children in an early childhood setting is like an art form. It takes skill to do it well. We have to be creative, adoptive and able to think outside our box (take into consideration perspectives of others). This training will explore the minimum state of Wisconsin standards and explore various strategies to actively supervise children in group care.

Approaching Challenging Conversations with Families Without Burning Bridges

Hours: 2
Format: Virtual
Fee: $30

Description: Engage in a dynamic and insightful workshop designed to equip early childhood educators with the essential skills to navigate challenging conversations with families. As professionals in the field, we understand that effective communication is crucial for building strong partnerships between educators and families. This workshop is tailored to empower educators with strategies and tools to address sensitive topics, foster collaboration, and create a positive and supportive learning environment for children.

Art in Action: Tools to Support the Creative Process in Children

Hours: 3
Format: Online Self-paced or Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $35

Description: This training is best practice in early care and education, supporting providers with knowledge, connections to standards, strategies and self-reflection on their role in how to incorporate art concepts into their programs. The training will walk providers through approaches on how adults can support children’s creative experiences in art. Art will be explored through hands on activities. Additionally, participants will learn how to integrate art materials and concepts in learning experiences and exploration in their environment specific to the Environment Rating Scale.

ASQ-3 (Ages and Stages Questionnaire)

Hours: 3
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $45

Description: This training will increase your awareness about developmental screening and the statewide effort to encourage developmental screening for all young children. We will explore the evidence-based ASQ-3 and discuss the role of early childhood professionals as partners in the promotion and use of the ASQ-3 with families.

ASQ-3 and ASQ SE-2 Overview (Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Ages and Stages Questionnaire Social Emotional)

Hours: 4
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: TBD

Description: This training will increase your awareness about developmental screening and the statewide effort to encourage developmental screening for all young children. While exploring the evidenced-based ASQ-3 and ASQ SE-2 tools, we will discuss the role of early childhood professionals as partners in the promotion and use of the ASQ-3 and the ASQ SE-2 with families.

Creating Food Safe Environments

Hours: 4
Format: In-Person
Fee: $35

Description: Who has a role in creating a food safe environment? How do you deal with leftovers? Is there an easy way to plan healthy menus that children will enjoy? In this interactive workshop, the answers to these questions and others are just the beginning of what you’ll learn. This workshop will incorporate safe food handling, preparation, and menu planning with new and exciting recipes that meet the USDA nutrition guidelines. This will meet the annual 4 -hour licensing regulation requirement for food service personnel, staff members, and child care workers.

Emotional Intelligence

Hours: 4
Format: In-Person
Fee: $35

Description: The emotional climate of the classroom directly affect the care of children. Children need a strong and healthy emotional climate, along with teachers who have their own social and emotional competencies. Building relationships with children is directly affected by the adult’s ability to know about their own needs and skills first. During this training we will explore the 5 Characteristics of emotional intelligence along with activities to help participants explore their own emotional intelligence and how that directly relates to the children and families they work with. Participants will reflect on their current practices and how to utilize strategies to help them strengthen their skills which in turn will provide a more socially competent environment for children.

Emotional Literacy Learning Cohort

Hours: 12 total, 1.5 hour sessions
Format: In-Person
Fee: TBD

Description: This educational series explores emotional literacy and how to use it in your programs. Emotional literacy involves understanding emotions, identifying and labeling feelings in oneself and others, and developing coping skills and ways to express emotions appropriately. This cohort will include a small group of early educators engaging in this deep dive learning experience together. Each session will include a focus on a specific topic within the emotional literacy learning objectives and often will include make and take activities, free children’s books, and hands-on resources to use in your programs.

Engaging Teachers: Using Assessment & Observation to Plan for Learning – Presented Online

Hours: 4
Format: Online Self-Paced
Fee: $30

Description: This training in best practice in early care and education is based on knowledge of how to us assessment and observation to plan for children’s learning. Assessment is the process of collecting information or evidence of a learner’s learning progress and achievement over a period of time in order to improve teaching and learning (Bob Adamson). Assessment is an ongoing process that that aids in improving children’s growth and development. With this first step teachers are better equipped to observe children’s learning and plan for their learning.

Enhancing Communication Skills through Infant Sign Language

Hours: 1.5
Format: Virtual
Fee: $30

Description: This course focuses on the use of simple signing with infants to foster close adult-child relationships and support early language development. Participants will explore ways to create deeper connections with their youngest learners through playful songs and games, and intentional opportunities for babies to communicate their needs and desires.

Environmental Rating Scales (Multiple Series available)

Hours: 3
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $30

Description: These trainings focus on helping participants develop an understanding of The Environmental Rating Scales which are a series of research-based scales that can be used to assess quality in early childhood and school age settings. The scales look at a variety of “subscales” including space and furnishings, personal care routines, listening and talking, activities, interaction, program structure, parents and staff.

Ethics in Early Childhood Education: Nurturing a Foundation of Integrity and Respect

Hours: 3
Format: Virtual
Fee: $45

Description: Embark on a transformative journey as we explore the vital intersection of ethics and early childhood education in our workshop, “Ethics in Early Childhood Education: Nurturing a Foundation of Integrity and Respect.” This engaging and interactive session is designed for educators, caregivers, and professionals committed to fostering ethical practices in the crucial formative years of a child’s development.

Family Engagement: Partnering with Families for Children’s Success

Hours: 3
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Fee: $30

Description: This course will explore best practices in family engagement, explore challenges and barriers to connecting with families and look at concrete strategies to improve your ability to develop relationships with families and increase their engagement.

Learning Environments and Curriculum through the Lens of Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Hours: 3
Format: Virtual
Fee: $30

Description: This training will provide participants with an in-depth review of the requirements for the developmentally appropriate environments as required by the YoungStar evaluation criteria. The materials, learning centers and interactions of the early childhood learning environment will be explored and participants will leave with a greater understanding of a quality learning environment.

Math Matters

Hours: 3
Format: In-Person
Fee: $30

Description: This training will provide educators with an opportunity to explore their own abilities and comfort with math concepts as well as consider how the activities, interactions, and materials provided in an early childhood learning environment allows for children to develop their mathematical thinking skills. Utilizing children’s natural curiosity, within their everyday play, educators will learn how to support and strengthen a child’s interest and development around math concepts. This engaging, hands on training will provide time for educators to better understand how to put the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards mathematical thinking developmental expectations into action.

Safe and Healthy Environments

Hours: 3
Format: Online Self-Paced
Fee: $25

Description: The Safe and Healthy Environments Training will explore health practices related to the early childhood environment. Participants will learn about the importance of following the proper procedures when it comes to handwashing, diapering, and toileting. Participants will take a close look at both Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Licensing Rules and items from the Environment Rating Scales. Participants are encouraged to engage in hands-on activities, either on their own or with the children they care for. Upon completion of this course, participants will have access to motivational materials to use with children, resources from reputable sites, and a checklist for routine cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting procedures. If you have previously taken the course Germs, Worms, Mud and Crud, you will find some familiar information. However, this course has been expanded and information added around best practice, licensing requirements, and the Environment Rating Scales has been incorporated.

Strengthening Families Through Early Care and Education with Mandated Reporter Training

Hours: 3
Format: In-Person or Virtual
Fee: $45

Description: Participants will learn about the 5 protective factors and how to build these factors into the early childhood setting. The protective factors have been shown to strengthen family function and be able to identify resources to support families. This training includes the Mandated Reporter Training (aka SCAN-MRT).

Using Environments to Guide Behavior

Hours: 2
Format: Virtual
Fee: $30

Description: This course is designed to give educators the opportunity to reflect on their learning environments and the way it can influence children’s behaviors. The learning environment is often referred to as the “third teacher,” because the arrangement of furnishings, displays, and selected materials can guide behavioral expectations without the teachers needing to intervene. We want children to feel welcome, seen, and inspired when engaging within these environments, so attendees will use a planning form for intentional goal setting as it relates to their individual ages and learning spaces.

Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards

Hours: 18 – 20
Format: In Person or Virtual
Fee: $60

Description: Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards provides a framework of guiding principles and developmentally appropriate expectations that early childhood educators can use to guide the development, implementation and assessment of early childhood care and education. Discussions, activities and real-life examples of children’s behavior and adult strategies are used for an authentic learning experience!

Virtual: This training is 8 sessions with most sessions lasting about 2 ½ hours.
In-Person: This training is typically 2 full days with homework outside of class.

Wisconsin Pyramid Model Birth to 5

Hours: 24
Format: Online or Hybrid
Fee: $75

Description: This training focuses on the social-emotional development of children ages birth – 6 and encompasses children’s abilities to regulate and express emotions and form secure relationships. Using real-life examples, participants will learn strategies to use in their responses and relationships with children and families, in creating a nurturing environment and in helping children develop healthy social-emotional skills.

This class is an 8-part series with additional homework.

Wisconsin Pyramid Model e-Modules with Reflective Coaching

Hours: 24
Format: Online Self-Paced
Fee: $100

Description: This training focuses on the social-emotional development of children ages birth – 6 and encompasses children’s abilities to regulate and express emotions and form secure relationships. Using real-life examples, participants will learn strategies to use in their responses and relationships with children and families, in creating a nurturing environment and in helping children develop healthy social-emotional skills.

This class is an 8-part series with additional homework.


Our correspondence trainings are self-paced and can be sent via mail or email. Some courses require an internet connection to access videos and articles. We are currently updating our offerings and will share on social media and through our Training Newsletter (sign up at the bottom of this screen for updates) when these courses will be available. If you have any questions please email [email protected] or call 608-271-9181.

Book Study

Book studies offer continuing education hours outside of the “traditional” training classroom. Over the course of a month, participants will read, participate in discussions and complete assignments. Book studies bring the group together to collaborate ideas and action steps for best practices and high quality care and education.

Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children’s Learning by Lisa Murphy

Hours: 3 classroom, 12 additional (15 total continuing education hours)
Format: Virtual or In-person
Fee: TBD

Description: In this three-part training series, our focus is on the importance of play and DAP in the classroom. Together we’ll talk about how developmentally appropriate practices in play build the foundation for learning success. Participants will: 1) Explore “The Seven Things” educators should do with young children every day. 2) Discover easy and fun ways to integrate “The Seven Things” into each day. 3) Learn how to link concepts to experiences young children understand. 4) Examine professional challenges you might face and how to work through them. Discussion will center on your current practices, building in additional supports, and planning for next steps.

Balanced and Barefoot by Angela J. Hanscom

Hours: 3 classroom, 12 additional (15 total continuing education hours)
Format: Hybrid or In-person
Fee: $45

Description: In this three-part training series participants will earn 15 hours of continuing education. Our book selection, Balanced and Barefoot by Angela J. Hanscom focuses on the importance of access to unrestricted free play outdoors and the effects that it can have on a child’s psychological and physical health. Together we’ll continue the conversation about outdoor play and how relationships, experiences, the physical space and even the daily schedule (and lots of uninterrupted free time) can impact our everyday learning. It’s a fun book to read and even better when you can talk about it with other early childhood educators who are passionate about a child’s need to play outdoors!

Being Child Centered by Lisa Murphy

Hours: 3 classroom, 12 additional (15 total continuing education hours)
Format: Virtual or In-person
Fee: TBD

Description: This book focuses on the importance of DAP in the classroom, the role of play based learning and the role of the teacher and environment in a child’s experiences each day. Together we’ll continue the conversation about developmentally appropriate practice and how relationships, the physical space and even the daily schedule impact our everyday learning. This book allows participants the opportunity to explore and collaborate on an approach of whole child learning.

Big Questions for Young Minds by Janis Strasser and Lisa Mufson Bresson

Hours: 4 classroom, 11 additional (15 total continuing education hours)
Format: Hybrid or In-person
Fee: $45

Description: This book selection focuses on high-level questions for young learners and how those questions can inspire higher level thinking which is inherently supportive of critical thinking. After the introduction the participants will explore the following 4 sections of the book: 1) Using Questions in Classroom Interest Areas. 2) Using Questions During Other Parts of the Daily Routine. 3) More learning Opportunities with Questions. 4) Resources to continue the learning process. With a higher understanding of how to ask questions, conversations in the early childhood setting can flourish.


Programs can request specific trainings and classes to be held on their time line with only their program staff. These trainings can be offered in-person, virtually and in online formats.

On-Demand trainings are a great option for:
  • Programs with a larger number of staff.
  • Programs that need trainings during specific timelines.
  • Programs that want training just for their staff. This is a great way to sort out and discuss challenges specific to your program!

Most of the training opportunities offered by 4-C can be done in an On-Demand format.

For more information or to schedule an On-Demand Training, please contact the 4-C at [email protected] or 608-216-7018.

Not finding what you’re looking for?

Additional trainings may be available! Contact the 4-C Training Dept. at [email protected] or 608-216-7018.

You can also visit The Registry: https://www.the-registry.org/myregistry/v7/trainings/search