Family Resource Center

Family Resource Centers are welcoming community-based organizations that serve as welcoming hubs of services and opportunities to strengthen families. Our activities and programs are provided at no cost to participants and are both fun and educational. They help families find the tools and resources to keep your family strong as your children grow and change.

Since 2023, we began the process of becoming a Family Resource Center to implement uniform Wisconsin Family Resource Center Infrastructure and Standards in a way that is specific to ALL families in Dane County.

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Open Play

Featured Posts

Magnificent Meals for Lunches & More

July 4th, 2023|0 Comments

It can be easy to get stuck in the same old sandwiches sometimes when we think about lunch recipes. The below recipes are meant to inspire you to think about new combinations of whole grains, [...]

Superb Snack Ideas for Kiddos

July 4th, 2023|0 Comments

Feeding children nutritious food is an important component of having them in your care. Let these snack ideas help you get creative with what you serve! See our blog posts about meals and veggies for [...]